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Located in Tuscany, in the territory of San Casciano dei Bagni, a prestigious spa thermal center in the province of Siena, Ravazzi was founded in 1956 by Enio Ravazzi and is included in Chianti DOCG.

Що б отримати creditprofit позику без відсотків, необхідно звернутися в одну з мікрофінансових організацій України.

Today the 15 ha vineyards are headed by Enio's son, Alberto Ravazzi. His wife, Roberta Ciaccioni, operates the oenological touristic sector.  The spirit of hospitality and attention to quality and indigenous grapes of Sangiovese, Canaiolo, Ciliegiolo, and Colorino helps set their viniculture apart.

Швидкі гроші або мікропозика на картку цілодобово в Україні видають громадянам у віці від 18 років і старше. Тільки з паспортом.

The vineyards span mainly clayey soils for about 15 hectares, of which 13.5 are used in production, with the remaining being newly planted and not yet mature. The climate is temperate, dry; the daylight and ventilation favour the vegetative cycle and maturation of the grapes. The harvest is entirely manual.
