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Le Poggette

In the province of Terni in Umbria lie the 18 vineyards of Le Poggette. An area with excellent exposure, clayey, sandy, and chalky soils, and a microclimate in the amphitheater created by the surrounding hills, the vineyards of Le Poggete exemplify their specific terroir and area.

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In the 1960s Giorgio Lanzetta purchased the land and brought with him from his home in Abruzzo, vines of Montepulciano which have thrived in this area.  Plantings of Sangiovese and Canaiolo follwed shortly thereafter and the resulting wines have shown high quality and elegance.

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Le Poggette focuses on the indigenous grape varieties to guarantee the uniqueness and quality of the area.  The top end wine, Torre Maggiore, is made exclusively with Montepulciano d’Abruzzo grapes from Giorgio’s first plantings and their offspring.  Showcasing the elegance and power that this grape can have in the right conditions and with the right hands, Torre Maggiore is aiming at bringing this once underestimated grape onto the quality wine stage.
